Tips To Boost Your Health | Knightmode Nurse Lifestyle

Lifestyle Tips For Nurses

Tips To Boost Your Health
Eat only when hungry

No one is 100% healthy! On the road to healthy living, there are some tips we must inculcate to perform optimally.
Below are some tips which have truly helped me and I believe they will help you too.

  • Eat only when hungry, and try to include all classes of food to get a balanced diet
Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins which we all need.
  • Drink enough water to stay hydrated. Reduce soda, carbonated drinks and alcohol.
  • Go to bed early! and sleep 8–10 hours per night, consistently. 
  • Exercise at least three times per week. 
  • Read good books.
  • Be thankful and prayerful every day. (reduces stress)
  • Treat everyone with respect. (conflict is stressful)
You can also check out this article on How To Be Happy 

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